Frequently Asked Questions
Jun 13, 2024
If your scholar must remain on campus for Family Day, a designated staff member will stay behind and plan a day of off campus programming for them. Please ask your child to inform their RA as soon as you are aware of these plans.
If you plan to have someone other than a parent or legal guardian sign out your scholar, please send a scanned handwritten note to with “First Name Last Name- Family Day Permission Note” in the subject line. If we do not receive a note, your scholar WILL NOT be permitted to leave campus.
Family Day is also a day off for our staff; we ask that you respect the time of the GSP-Murray community by picking up and dropping off your scholar at the designated times.
While you may spend time on campus, the dining facilities and many buildings will be closed. Additionally, parents will not be allowed on residential halls at any time.
Parents, guardians, or other designated persons will find their scholar’s RA outside of Franklin Hall. They will sign the designated sign out sheet and text their scholar that they have arrived. The scholar will then come down from their room and meet the person picking them up. No parents should be in the building during pickup. At drop off, you will JUST drop your scholar off. No sign in is required.
For any additional questions please refer to the Kentucky GSP website.