
Current Projects:

  1. A long-term Monitoring network in Kentucky: Linking climate change to carbon and water use efficiencies, and soil properties
    We are measuring soil physical and chemical properties to understand the soil-vegetation interactions using site and satellite measurements.
  2. Evaluating links between eastern deciduous tree phenology and climate
    We are measuring phenology of 30 tree species across Murray State campus as part of the USA National Phenology Network (US-NPN).
  3. Influence of Environmental Variables on the Seasonal Development of LAI in Western Kentucky.
    Students are weekly measuring leaf area index (LAI) at Murray State Hancock Biological Station (HBS) during the growing season. The aim of this study is to develop a phenology model to predict the start and the end of the growing season. Soil profile temperature and soil moisture are continuously measured at HBS for 6 different soil depth (5cm, 15cm, 25cm, 35cm, 45cm, 55cm). We are also adding measurements of soil oxidation at 15cm, 25cm, 35cm, and 45cm and sap flow measurements. The figure shows the data logger at HBS.

Past Projects:

  1. Modeling Evapotranspiration based solely on remote sensing data
    The goal of this project is to develop a model for monitoring terrestrial ecosystem transpiration at different time-scales (weekly, monthly, annually) using satellite data.


  1. Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR-2): Chapter 10: Grasslands

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