Environmental Modeling and Monitoring Lab
Welcome to the Environmental Modeling and Monitoring Lab (EMML). EMML is dedicated to study the impacts of the changing climate on the terrestrial ecosystem functions and structure using a suite of tools ranging from site measurements and remote sensing techniques to complex land surface models.
I am always looking for motivated students to work on my lab. If you are interested please contact me via email: belmasri@murraystate.edu
Conference presentations and poster sessions:
- El Masri, B. (2017) (poster session). Variability and trends in the carbon fluxes of North American grassland. NACP and Ameriflux PI Joint Meeting, Bethesda, MD, March 2017.
- El Masri, B. (2016) (poster session). Current state, trends and variability in carbon fluxes of North American grassland. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
- El Masri, B., and M. Pate (2015). Examining the spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture in Kentucky, using a land surface model, remote sensing and observational data. Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 21-25.
- El-Masri, B., R. Barman, and A.K. Jain (2013). The interaction between biogeophysical and biogeochemical processes and their feedback on permafrost soil carbon stocks. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2013.
- El-Masri, B., A.K. Jain (2013) (poster session). Implementation of dynamic rooting depth and LAI in a land surface model to improve carbon, water, and energy fluxes. Key Uncertainties in the Global Carbon-Cycle: Perspectives across terrestrial and ocean ecosystems workshop. NCAR, Boulder, CO, August 6-10, 2013.
- El-Masri, B., A.K. Jain (2013). Carbon Dynamics in Amazonia. LBA-DMIP workshop. Ft. Collins, CO, April 22-23, 2013.
- Jain, A.K., B. El-Masri, Y. Jin (2013). Implementation of Prognostic LAI in a land surface model to improve water, energy, and carbon fluxes. US-International Association for Landscape Ecology, Austin, TX, April 14-18, 2013.
- El-Masri, B., A.K. Jain (2013). ISAM model results. MsTMIP workshop, Albuquerque, NM, 2013.
- El-Masri, B, and A.K. Jain (2012) (poster session). Modeling the above and below ground carbon and nitrogen stocks in the northern high latitude terrestrial ecosystem. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2012
- El-Masri, B., and A. F. Rahman. (2010). Developing a data driven process-based model for remote sensing of ecosystem productivity. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2010.
- El-Masri, B., and A. F. Rahman. (2010). Developing a data driven process-based model for remote sensing of ecosystem productivity. AAG Annual meeting, Washington DC, April 2010.
- El-Masri, B., and A. F. Rahman. (2009). Developing a data driven process-based model for remote sensing of ecosystem functions. AAG Annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV, March 2009.
- El-Masri, B., and A. F. Rahman. (2008). Estimating climatic influence on spatial and temporal variations of grassland gross primary production: A remote sensing approach. AAG Annual meeting, Boston, MA, April 2008.
- El-Masri, B., and A. F. Rahman. (2006) (poster session). Estimating climatic influence on spatial and temporal variations of grassland gross primary production: A remote sensing approach. Global Vegetation Workshop organized by NTSG and NASA, University of Montana, Missoula, MT.
- El-Masri, B., and A. F. Rahman. (2003) (poster session). Detecting post civil-war urban development in Beirut, Lebanon using geographical information system and satellite imagery. AAG Annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 2003.