Environmental Modeling and Monitoring Lab
Journal Publications:
Yang, Y., B. Tao, L. Liang, Y. Huang, C. Matocha, C.D. Lee, M. Sama, B. El Masri, W. Ren (2021). Detecting Recent Crop Phenology Dynamics in Corn and Soybean Cropping Systems of Kentucky. Remote Sensing, 13, 1615. doi.org/10.3390/rs13091615. (pdf)
Ferguson, B., W.E. Lukens, B. El Masri, G.E. Stinchcomb (2020). Alluvial landform and the occurrence of paleosols in a humid-subtropical climate have an effect on long-term soil organic carbon storage. Geoderma, 371, 114388.
El Masri, B., C. Schwalm, D.N. Huntzinger, J. Mao, X. Shi, C. Peng, J. Fisher, A. Jain, H. Tian, B. Poulter, A.M. Michalak (2019). Carbon and Water Use Efficiencies: A comparative analysis of ten terrestrial ecosystem models under changing climate. Scientific Reports, 9. 14680. (pdf)
Yang, Y., B. Tao, W. Ren, D. Zourarakis, B. El Masri, Z. Sun, and Q. Tian (2019). A Novel Approach Considering Intraclass Variability for Mapping Winter Wheat Using Multi-temporal MODIS EVI Images. Remote Sensing, 11, 1191; doi:10.3390/rs11101191. (pdf)
El Masri, B., A.F. Rahman, and D.D. Dragoni (2019). Evaluating a New Algorithm for Satellite based Evapotranspiration for North American Ecosystems: Model development and Validation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 268,243-248.
El Masri, B. (2017). Examining the spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture in Kentucky using remote sensing data. Biomed. Sci. & Tech. Res. (pdf)
El Masri, B., S. Shu, A.K. Jain (2015). Implementation of dynamic root depth and phenology into a land surface model: Evaluations of carbon, water, and energy fluxes in the high latitude ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 211, 85-99.
Schwalm, C., D. Huntzinger, J. Fisher, A. Michalak, K. Bowman, P. Ciais, R. Cook, B. El-Masri, et al. (2015). Toward “optimal” integration of terrestrial biosphere models. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(11), 4418-4428.
Miller, P., M. Robson. B. El-Masri, R. Barman, G. Zheng, A. Jain, L. Kale (2014). Scaling the ISAM Land Surface Model through parallelization of Inter-Component data transfer. Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2014 43rd International Conference on , vol., no., pp.422,431, 9-12 Sept., doi: 10.1109/ICPP.2014.51
Fisher, J.B, M. Sikka, W.C. Oechel, D.N. Huntzinger, J.R. Melton, C.D. Koven, A. Ahlström, A.M. Arain, I. Baker, J.M. Chen, P. Ciais, C. Davidson, M. Dietze, B. El-Masri, et al. (2014). Carbon cycle uncertainty in Alaskan Arctic. Biogeosciences, 11, 4271-4288
Zscheischler, J., A.M. Michalak, C. Schwalm, M.D. Mahecha, D.N. Huntzinger, M. Reichstein, G. Bertheir, P. Ciais, B. El-Masri, et al. (2014). Impact of Large-Scale Climate Extremes on Biospheric Carbon Fluxes: An Intercomparison Based on MsTMIP Data. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, DOI: 10.1002/2014GB004826
De Kauwe, M.G., B.E. Medlyn, A.P. Wakler, S. Asao, M.C. Dietze, B. El-Masri, et al. (2014). Where does the carbon go? A model-data intercomparison of carbon allocation at two temperate forest free-air CO2 enrichment sites. New Phytologist, 203(3), 883-899.
Zaehle, S., B.E. Medlyn, M.G. De Kauwe, A.P.Walker, M.C. Dietze, T. Hickler, Y. Luo, Y.P.Wang, B. El-Masri, et al. (2014). Evaluation of eleven terrestrial carbon-nitrogen cycle models against observations from two temperate Free-Air CO2 Enrichment Studies. New Phytologist. DOI: 10.1111/nph.12697.
El-Masri, B., R. Barman, P. Meiyappan, Y. Song, M. Liang. A. K. Jain (2013). Carbon Dynamics in the Amazonian Basin: Integration of eddy covariance and ecophysiological data with a land surface model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 182-183, 156-167.
Rahman, A.F., D. Dragoni., B. El-Masri (2011). Response of the Sundarbans coastline to sea level rise and decreased sediment flow: A remote sensing assessment. Remote Sensing of Environment. 115: 3121-3128.
Sim, D. A., A. F. Rahman, C. D. Cordova, B. Z. El-Masri, D. D. Baldocchi, P. V. Bolstad, L.B. Flanagan, A. H. Goldstein, D. Y. Hollinger, L. Mission, R. K. Monson, W. C. Oechel, H. P. Schmid, S. C. Wofsy, L. Xu. (2008). A new model of gross primary productivity for North American ecosystems based solely on the enhanced vegetation index and land surface temperature from MODIS . Remote sensing of Environment. 112: 1633-1646.
Sim, D. A., A. F. Rahman, C. D. Cordova, B. Z. El-Masri, D. D. Baldocchi, L. B. Flanagan, A.H. Goldstein, D. Y. Hollinger, L. Mission, R. K. Monson, W. C. Oechel, H.P. Schmid, S. C. Wofsy, L. Xu (2006). On the use of MODIS EVI to assess gross primary productivity of North American ecosystems. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, G4, G04015, 10.1029/2006JG000162.
Rahman .A. F., D. A. Sims, V. D. Cordova, B. Z. El-Masri (2005). Potential of MODIS EVI and Surface Temperature for Directly Estimating Per-Pixel Ecosystem C Fluxes. Geophysical Research Letters, 32, 19, L19404, doi:10.1029/2005GL024127.