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Legislation introduced in 2025 session continues to support Murray State University’s development of a School of Veterinary Medicine

By MSU Public Relations | Jan 31, 2025

map of Kentucky's veterinary shortages by county

According to a recent study by Deloitte, 80 out of 120 counties across Kentucky have a veterinary shortage or are deemed underserved rural areas with low ratios of practicing veterinarians to livestock.

MURRAY, Ky. – With Kentucky’s 2025 legislative session underway, support continues to be shown for Murray State University’s development of a School of Veterinary Medicine.

House Bill 153, led by State Representative Mary Beth Imes, has been filed and has 20 co-sponsors as of Jan. 30, 2025. The proposed legislation would amend KRS 164.295 to permit Murray State to offer doctoral degrees required for professional practice and licensure in veterinary medicine. 

State Senator Jason Howell plans to file mirror legislation in the Senate when the General Assembly reconvenes.  

According to a recent study by Deloitte, 80 out of Kentucky’s 120 counties are currently designated as having a veterinary shortage or identified as an underserved rural area for veterinarians. 

The state of Kentucky currently does not have a School of Veterinary Medicine, and approximately 70 students from Kentucky are accepted each year to out-of-state veterinary schools. In the United States, there are only 33 veterinary colleges accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there are 86,300 veterinarians in the United States and this occupation is expected to grow by over 19% by 2031. The BLS also reports a total of 122,800 veterinarian technologists/technicians are working today and the field is expected to grow by 20% by 2031.

Murray State’s Hutson School of Agriculture has the largest pre-veterinary medicine/veterinary technology enrollment of any university in Kentucky, with an enrollment of over 450 students in the fall 2024 semester, and is just one of three programs in Kentucky that is fully accredited by the AVMA.

Rendering of new veterinary sciences building

Pictured is a preliminary rendering of Murray State University’s new $60 million Veterinary Sciences Building, with funding secured in the 2024 legislative session.

In 2024, the state biennium budget included support for Murray State, including funding for a $60 million facility in order to construct a new Veterinary Sciences building to enhance existing and future programs in veterinary sciences. 

Murray State currently holds many animal agriculture assets, including the A. Carman Animal Health Technology Center, the Rudolph Equine Education Center, multiple farms, as well as the Breathitt Veterinary Center, which is a nationally preeminent animal disease diagnostic laboratory dedicated to protecting the invaluable assets of Kentucky’s equine, livestock and poultry industries. 

Two feasibility studies have been conducted to this point which have indicated many positive benefits of a new School of Veterinary Medicine at Murray State, including a 2024 study by Deloitte which stated that “Murray State University has a strong foundation upon which to build a new CVM (College of Veterinary Medicine), including strong institutional financials, existing facilities and expertise in animal sciences, and the proposed CVM would contribute positively to our state and local economy.”

“Currently, 22 states do not have a vet school and Kentucky is one of them,” said President Bob Jackson. “Now is the time to finally begin the process of having a School of Veterinary Medicine in Kentucky and we are ready and willing to do the work necessary to start that right here at Murray State University. I am very grateful to Rep. Mary Beth Imes, Leader Steve Rudy, Sen. Jason Howell and our many other legislative leaders for their support of this initiative.” 

“It is time for Kentucky to have a School of Veterinary Medicine and the very best place for that in our state is at Murray State University in Calloway County,” said Rep. Mary Beth Imes. “It is clear to me that Murray State University can do this and will be hugely successful with this doctoral program, as they are with so many marquee programs at the University, such as our Cybersecurity programs, Doctorate in Nurse Practitioner (DNP), engineering and many others. I am grateful that Murray State University has stepped up to the plate to assist our animal agriculture industry with an ever-growing veterinary shortage.”

"I am encouraged by the positive findings of the Deloitte study on the proposed higher education projects requiring amendments to KRS 164.295. The challenges raised against this initiative highlight the need to move beyond outdated statutory limitations and embrace solutions that address our state's evolving needs,” said Howell. “While it's easy to focus on isolated issues, our priority must remain on the many strengths of this proposal. Amending this statute is essential to establishing a School of Veterinary Medicine at Murray State, enabling us to address a critical statewide need."

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What others are saying:

“Our commonwealth is long overdue for a veterinary school, especially one of the caliber Murray State can provide. I offer my most robust support for Murray State University’s efforts and look forward to working with you to make their plan a reality.” United States Congressman James Comer, 1st District of Kentucky, December 2023

“I fully support Murray State University in your efforts to develop an accredited School of Veterinary Medicine to aid in the large animal veterinarian shortage and assist the animal agriculture economy of Kentucky.” United States Senator Rand Paul, March 2024

“This proposal represents a promising step forward in addressing the issue. Expanding in-state veterinary education could build a pipeline of skilled professionals uniquely suited to meet Kentucky’s needs. Supporting initiatives like this ensures our farmers, animal owners, and agricultural community have access to the care and resources they depend on.” Kentucky Department of Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell, Kentucky Lantern, January 2025

“Nationwide, a shortage of large animal veterinarians is creating a negative impact as farmers search to find the veterinary care they need for their animals. Large animal veterinarians are essential to the protection of the nation’s food supply.” Kentucky Department of Agriculture press release, December 20, 2023

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