Racer Success

Academic success resources for students and families

Students, Murray State University is here to support you!

Fall 2024 Academic Calendar

Visit murraystate.edu/deadlines for the most current information and more details.

August 20 — Classes begin

October 9 — 1st half semester courses end

October 10-11 — Fall Break - Classes dismissed; Offices closed

October 14 — 2nd half semester courses begin

November 5 — Presidential Election - Classes dismissed; Offices closed

November 27-29 — Thanksgiving Holiday - Classes dismissed; Offices closed

December 6 — Classes end

December 9-13 — Final exams

December 14 — Commencement

Please continue to be in touch with your faculty members and academic advisors. They are prepared to help answer your questions related to your courses. 

We hope the following information, resources and tips are helpful to you. Stay positive, safe, healthy and engaged to reach your goals. Murray State is here to assist you in any way possible as we successfully complete the semester. 


Frequently Asked Questions

I am feeling stressed or overwhelmed. What services are available?

University Counseling Services provides free and confidential mental health counseling for all enrolled students. The Counseling Center is now open, and counselors are available to meet with students. We are strongly encouraging all clients to participate in remote sessions via Zoom rather than in-person sessions, in order to protect everyone's health. Please contact us at msu.counselingcenter@murraystate.edu for more information. Self-help resources are available on our website. If it is an emergency situation, please contact the Murray State Police Department at 270.809.2222.


How can I contact Murray State University Health Services?

Murray State University Health Services is located on the first floor of Wells Hall, facing the quad. Fall 2024 operating hours are Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to Noon. Individuals can reach Health Services by calling 270.809.3809 or emailing (msu.healthservices@murraystate.edu). After hours, call Village Medical Center at 270.759.9200.


Is there a list of terms I should become familiar with?

Yes! Visit the Racer Glossary to help understand the college lingo associated with a successful experience.

I am not sure where to start or who or what to ask. What do I do?

Contact the caring and supportive staff in the Center for Student Engagement and Success at msu.success@murraystate.edu or visit their website (murraystate.edu/success). Staff can help you get connected with the right resources and other staff on campus.  Here to help, always!

Academic Advising

Your academic advisor is here to assist you in many ways and help you make the best decisions including courses, schedules and degree requirements.  

Learn more about Academic Advising

Helpful Contact Information

Student Engagement and Success

“Not sure where to start? Start with us!”

Dining Services

Murray State University

Housing Office

Murray State University

Information Systems – Service Desk

Murray State University

Office of the Registrar

Murray State University

Student Affairs

Murray State University

Student Financial Services

Murray State University

University Counseling Services

Murray State University

University Libraries

Murray State University


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