Project Pass
Project Pass - Program for Achieving Student Success
This is our enhanced services program. It is a voluntary program which provides extra support to incoming students in the beginning of their college career. Project Pass includes the following areas of assistance:
Extra help during the student’s Racer Nation Orientation visit (No additional fee). SDS staff members are available to help with the selection of courses.
Smooth Move Into College - (Fee is approximately $150). Incoming Project Pass freshmen will move into their MSU residential college three full days before the rest of the incoming freshmen. This extra time allows for a more leisurely move in as well as provides two days of activities to ensure a more successful transition to college. (Vocational Rehabilitation may pay this fee). Participation in Smooth Move is required if taking CTS 101.
CTS 101 College Transitions Skills I. This is a 3-credit hour course designed to assist college students with academic and social transitions to college. Students receive instruction on college accommodations and self-advocacy skills. Emphasis is placed on time and task management, study skills, test-taking, and note-taking strategies. Career exploration, academic advising, and locating support services will be included in this class. Mentoring and Smooth Move are required.
CTS 102 College Transition Skills II - (1hr). This course provides continued assistance to Project Pass students in the spring term. One-on-one meetings will cover success skills such as time management, study strategies, grade checks, and other academic guidance activities will be included in this course.
Students who receive below a 2.5 GPA in their fall semester will be required to meet weekly, use academic accommodations and mentoring is required.
Students who receive a 2.5 GPA or above in their fall semester, who did not withdraw from any classes, and met assignment deadlines will meet monthly.
To register:
Complete the SDS registration form
Project Pass application
Schedule a meeting with the Associate Director
Project Mentor
Students can request 1-6 hours a week of mentoring. Students receive individualized assistance with learning effective strategies for organizing and studying course-related assignments. This work may include any of the following: content tutoring, organization/time management skills, writing skills and test-taking strategies.
> 2 hours of mentoring is recommended throughout each semester. We recommend this because 1 hour is typically reserved for organization and time management skills or individual classes. If you seek tutoring in multiple classes please consider 2 hours. It may be difficult to find a mentor for multiple classes for 1 hour.
- 1 hour a week = $225 per semester
2 hours a week = $450 per semester
3 hours a week = $675 per semester
4 hours a week = $900 per semester
5 hours a week = $1,125 per semester
6 hours a week = $1,350 per semester
(Kentucky Vocational Rehabilitation will pay this fee for eligible students. This service may be available in your state. )
Financial assistance is available for students who are not receiving assistance from the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation