Order of Omega Greek Awards
The Order of Omega Awards are designed to highlight individual and chapter achievements that best characterizes the Greek community. The Omega Rho Chapter of Order of Omega took on the financial responsibility of the Awards for Greek Life. These are awarded annually, based upon calendar year, at the All Greek Assembly during the Spring Semester.
Nominations for the 2024 Awards will be due February 2, 2025 by 11:59pm.
The Order of Omega Awards are divided into two categories:
Chapter Awards
Outstanding Educational Program: Sororities, Fraternities
Outstanding New Member Education Program: Sororities, Fraternities
Outstanding Community Service: Sororities, Fraternities
Outstanding Collaboration Community Service Program: Sororities, Fraternities
Outstanding Philanthropic Chapter: Sororities, Fraternities
Outstanding Sisterhood: Sororities
Outstanding Brotherhood: Fraternities
Individual Awards
Outstanding Chapter President: Sororities, Fraternities
Outstanding Chapter Advisor: Sororities, Fraternities
Humble Servant Award (IFC, Pan & NPHC)
The purpose of these awards are to allow social fraternities and sororities at Murray State University to assess their performance yearly, to recognize those chapters meeting the awards criteria, and to provide a baseline for those chapters in need of assistance in some categories.
All Greek organizations that are a member of Murray State's Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council or Panhellenic Council are eligible to participate. There is no minimum or maximum number of chapters who will receive the awards in given categories.
These guidelines are designed so that no chapter receives favorable treatment over any other. Any application not following the guidelines will be disqualified, so please make sure the following rules are understood.
Each nomination must be reviewed by the chapter president, chapter advisor, and/or faculty/staff advisor. Electronic submission certifies the accuracy of the information provided in the application.
Supporting documentation should be submitted either in hard copy to the Office of Greek Life & Student Leadership Programs, located in the Center for Student Involvement on the first floor of the Curris Center or via email to
The packet information should be from the past calendar year only.
Applications should be submitted online by the deadline provided.
Any chapter that has been formally found guilty of hazing during the previous year, or were on any type of University probation or suspension during the academic year will be ineligible for that year's awards.
Nominations should contain complete and accurate information. Incomplete applications will jeopardize the chances of receiving any of the awards. The discovery of false information will result in disqualification. The awards selection committee reserves the right to request additional information.
All applications must be submitted via the online forms by Sunday, February 2, 2025 by 11:59pm. Late applications will be reviewed, but will be ineligible to receive any of the awards.
Award Criteria
Each nomination is evaluated against the following award criteria found on the nomination form.
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Greek Life at 270.809.6953 or