News from Murray State University
Murray State University granted a posthumous gift from Robbie Trevathan
Accounting/Accounting and Computer Science scholarship available for deserving students
WKMS wins national awards
WKMS-FM is the winner of national awards from the Public Media Journalists Association (PMJA). The PMJA awards recognize the best work in public media journalism from across the country.
Murray State University collaboration results in great success at the 9th annual Teaching and Technology Summit
As a result of the collaboration between Murray State University’s Teacher Quality Institute, Kentucky Academy of Technology Education, College of Education and Human Services Dean’s Office, the College’s Office of Recruitment and Retention, and the Office of Development, the 9th annual Teaching and Technology Summit was deemed a great success.
Murray State University’s Nonprofit Leadership Studies program names new director
Murray State University’s Nonprofit Leadership Studies program has announced the appointment of Dr. Elise Lael Kieffer as the new program director.
Murray State University to host “Racer Ready Enrollment Days” in July
Free events are geared toward admitted students for the upcoming fall as well as prospective students
Murray State University Racer Report: July 5-9
The latest news from Murray State University for the week of July 5-9.
Racer ready, set, go: Murray State University offers upcoming orientation dates for new, incoming students
There is still time for prospective students to apply for admission for the 2021-22 academic year
Murray State University Town & Gown Community Band presenting Freedom Fest Concert of American Music on July 4
The Murray State University Town & Gown Community Band will present its Freedom Fest Concert of American Music at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 4 on the lawn in front of Lovett Auditorium.
Murray State University “Racer Ready” recruitment events scheduled for June and July
Free events for prospective as well as incoming students and families to take place in Bowling Green, Owensboro, Henderson, and Evansville