Blog Listing

The Shoe Tree near Pogue Library

Quinton and Courtney Roberts

My husband, Quinton, and I met in August 2015 at fall Resident Advisor training. I was a returning RA at Springer College, where I lived my whole 5 years at MSU, while he was a brand new RA for Franklin College. Since Springer-Franklin colleges are connected in lots of ways, naturally we started training off with dual-staff dinner at Winslow.

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Roadside Attraction exhibit

Murray State University Galleries to host exhibit by Raluca Iancu

By Alex Pologruto

Artist explores disaster, memory and vulnerability in work

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Close-up of the Racer One statue outside of Curris Center

What to Expect at Admitted Student Weekend

By Brandon Anderson

In February 2015, I was a high school senior getting ready to attend college. At the time, my family and I went to Admitted Student Open House at Murray State, where I got to see a sneak preview of what college would for me at Murray State.

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Scott and Hope Foster then and now.

Scott and Hope Foster

Murray means a little more to me than the average graduate. It was the FIRST home for this “Louisville” girl (I was born in Murray in 1970 when my mom & dad lived in married housing—a.k.a. College Courts). It was where I met my “sole mate” in 1989 (the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity introduced me to little sisterhood in 1988 AND ignited a friendship-turned-relationship in ’89). And it became my hometown in 1993 when I accepted a teaching position at a local high school. Scott and I even got married here in Murray, Kentucky in 1995. Truth be told, I never really wanted to leave Murray after my first semester at MSU, so deciding where to get married was easy…I chose to stay “home.”

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Jeremy and Julie Boyd then and now.

Jeremy and Julie Boyd

Jeremy “Boocha” and I met at Murray State in 1996 when we both lived in Cambridge. I lived across the street and my Tri Sigma sorority sisters, who also were his high school friends, lived next door him. We met through our mutual friends and we instantly became inseparable. Our friendship quickly evolved and we officially started dating in 1997.

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College is a completely unique time in your life that you’ll remember forever. So why not make it exactly what you want it to be? Murray State offers something for everyone with a variety of ways to have fun and get involved. Both the city of Murray and the campus of Murray State are friendly and welcoming. Before you know it, you'll find yourself fitting in, making friends and getting involved in campus life.

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