First-Year Academic Advising

Holistic support during your first year here

If you are a first-time student (freshman, transfer, or otherwise) at Murray State University, we want to provide you with the resources you need to become a successful Racer!

As a collaborative campus initiative between our Divisions of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, our dual-advising model assigns a Professional Advisor from our Center for Student Engagement and Success to "first-year here" students to assist with initial course registration, on-campus resource awareness, campus policies and procedures, and overall acclimation to Murray State University before being transitioned to Faculty Academic Advisors in their department.

Advising Team

Each of our Professional Advisors, located in the Lowry Center, keeps regular office hours during the fall, spring, and summer terms to provide you with year-round accessibility to information and support when you need it.

To connect with one of our Professional Advisors, click on their name below.

Leanna McClure, Coordinator for First-Year Academic Advising 

Sarah Williams, Professional Advisor

Travis Plunkett, Professional Advisor

Ace Ebling, Professional Advisor and Tutoring Specialist


For more information about our dual-advising model for first-year students, please contact Leanna McClure (, Coordinator for First-Year Academic Advising.

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