Pay Plan

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EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2011
REVISED FROM: July 1, 1993


The University's hourly wage scale and wage policy are designed to treat all personnel fairly and equitably in level of pay and wage adjustments.

The following policies also relate to wages paid a non-exempt employee:

Overtime and Exceptional Compensation - Policy Number III D

Recording Time Worked - Policy Number III G

  1. Wage Scale

    1. Each grade of the classification system is structured in such a way as to provide a minimum rate and a maximum rate of pay.

    2. The minimum rate for each job shall be such that qualified applicants can be employed at that rate. New employees will normally enter the position at this level. Note: Any exception to this policy must meet the following criteria:

      1. Applicant must exceed the qualifications.

      2. Written justification from the head of the department to his/her vice president and a copy to the Director of Human Resources.

      3. The vice president must recommend the request.

      4. The Director of Human Resources must approve the request.

    3. The maximum rate for each grade is the highest rate that shall be paid to an employee in that grade.

  2. Wage Increases

    1. Annual increases in wages when approved by the Board of Regents are usually effective July l.

    2. Increases when authorized by the Board of Regents may be granted to all non-student employees who were employed prior to April 1 in accordance with established pay increase guidelines.

    3. Wages of employees hired on April l or after shall be increased effective July l at least to the entry wage rate established for his/her grade for the new fiscal year.

    4. Every non-exempt employee must make at least the minimum pay rate in his/her grade.

  3. Change of Job

    1. Promotion - An employee shall receive either the entry-level wage for the new position or a five percent (5%) per grade increase in pay, whichever is greater; but not greater than the maximum rate of pay for the new grade. Employees promoted after the budget is approved by the Board of Regents may at the request of the new supervisor have any merit funds previously granted applied to their new wage effective July l.

    2. Lateral - An employee shall retain the same level of pay when moving from one job to another job within the same grade.

    3. Demotion - The wage will be the greater of the following three options:

      1. Entry rate of pay for the grade,

      2. prior wage reduced five percent (5%) per grade, or

      3. when a demotion follows a promotion and the demotion takes the employee to either the same grade or a higher grade prior to the promotion, the wage the employee made prior to the promotion.

        The limiting factor is the employee cannot receive a greater wage than the maximum set for the grade.
        This policy applies to voluntary or involuntary (disciplinary) demotions. Involuntary is qualified by Policy Number III E. 4.b.

    4. Summer Wages (Employees Working Elsewhere on Campus) - Raises for employees who temporarily transferred to another position on campus during the summer months will be effective upon their return to their regular positions.

  4. Reclassification

    1. Upgrade of Job - The pay rate of the present employee shall be adjusted by five percent (5%) per grade or the entry rate for the new grade, whichever is higher.

    2. Downgrade of Job - An employee whose position is reclassified to a lower classification grade will remain in the current pay grade for two years. At the end of two years, the employee's rate of pay will be reduced according to Demotion Procedures.

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